Towards the end of 2016 or early 2017, a plan called Rebuild Potrero will begin a 10-year, $1bn redevelopment of the public housing and land on the south slope of San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood. The project includes a 1:1 replacement of the 619 public housing units, ensuring that the 1,370 residents of Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex do not lose their homes.
Potrero Hill’s public housing was built over 70 years ago, and has been host to a number of problems including persistent mold and disrepair. Many residents welcome the redevelopment, which will add a mix of below-market-rate and market-rate housing to the complex.
The neighborhood will incorporate retail space, publicly accessible open space, a community center, and green construction practices to provide a high quality of life for the residents of the up to 1,700 new homes. The development will also be designed to connect with the rest of Potrero Hill, a departure from the dead end streets and separation that characterized the older public housing complex.
The building heights will be between 30’-65’ with approximately 1,100 off-street parking spaces available. There will be 15,000 sq. ft. of retail space, along with 415 bicycle parking spaces and 3.5 acres of public open space. The development will be phased to provide minimal disruption to current residents and allow them to enjoy the features of the new development.
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